Mon-Sat, 8.00-18.00. Sunday CLOSED

Indian Public Inter College, Aligarh

Scout Guide

Scout Guide

The Bharat Scouts & Guides

The Bharat Scouts & Guides (BS&G) is the National Scouting & Guiding association of India. The Association is a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act and is a non-official organisation and is non-political, non sectarian and non-communal in character. Scouting was founded in India in 1909, whereas Guiding in India started in 1911. Scouting and Guiding is an approved type of character training & preparation for good citizenship designed for the benefit of boys and girls, which insists a sense of responsibility and trustworthiness affords to be individual opportunities for developing initiative and leadership and promotes self-control, self-reliance and self direction.

Aim of Scouting & Guiding

The Aim of Scouting and Guiding is four-fold. The first is the formation of character; the second is the formation of sound health habits. The third is the training in the handicraft and the acquiring of useful skills; and the fourth is the cultivation of a proper spirit of service efficiently. The pursuit of this aim leads to the development of good citizenship, among boys and girls.

Mission and Vision of BS&G

The Mission of Scouting and Guiding is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society. The vision of Bharat Scouts & Guides is to be a globally visible, consistently growing, self-reliant premium youth movement that is gender balanced, vibrant and responsive to trends, Providing young people with value-based, attractive and challenging youth programme, through competent leaders, effective communication, optimum use of technology and efficient management.

Scouts and Guides Motto

Be Prepared.

About US
Indian Public Inter College
G. T. Road, Aligarh-202001
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  • U.P Board Pattern of education, as directed by U.P Board
  • Dedicated and well trained staff for Academics & Sports
  • Organized Debate, Essay writing, Drawing competition regularly
  • Shaping of better future every year